Welcome to Year 1 - Please check your child's Class Dojo page for recent updates.
Dragonflies Class
Our teacher is Miss Bell.
Our Learning Assistant is Mrs Anning.
Robins Class
Our teacher is Mrs Kerger.
Our Learning Assistant is Miss M.
End of Reception Trip
Miss Bell and Mrs Kerger were very lucky and joined our new Year 1's on their end of Reception school trip to Cotswold Water Park. Here are some photos of us having lots of fun!
"What were homes like in the past?" This term we are looking at different types of houses from the past. Our end of term challenge is to write a booklet to persuade someone to buy a house from the past.
We will be reading the book 'Home' by Carson Ellis to support us in our learning.
We will be comparing the past to the present and discussing similarities and differences. We will be sorting objects and pictures to help us understand how things have changed. We will ordering houses on a timeline and we will be discussing how the materials in which houses were made from have changed over the years.
Maths - Term 1
This term we are looking at:
- Counting to 20
- Recognising numerals to 20
- Exploring tens frames
- Using number tracks and number lines
- Find one more and one less
- Ordering numbers to 20
- Recognising and naming simple 2D shapes
- Adding and subtracting 1 from numbers to 20
- Writing addition and subtraction calculations
- Partitioning numbers
Literacy - Term 1
This term we are linking our Literacy to our History learning - "What were homes like in the past?" We will be learning how to:
- Use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
- Write labels and simple sentences.
- Use adjectives and verbs.
- Use suffixes (er and est).
- Write plurals.
- Structure a sentence.
- Use simple conjunctions.
Spellings and Reading
Please help your children to practise their spellings at home. We have a spelling test every Friday.
Your child's book change day is every Friday. Bookbags should be in school everyday, but especially on a Friday. You can also access your child's phonic reading book online through Oxford Owl and your login details are in the front of your child's yellow reading record.
Our expectation is for you to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Please record each read in your child's reading record and we will be checking these every Friday when we change books. The children will be working towards reading awards which they will be presented with in assembly.
We have 2 PE lessons each week, they are on the following days:
Monday - Indoor PE (this lesson will be in the school hall).
Friday - Outdoor PE (this lesson will be on the Muga).
Please send your child into school in their PE kits on these 2 days.
Our PE kit is:
Black or dark grey shorts or jogging bottoms
White or red T-shirt
Red sweatshirt for outdoor PE sessions (when needed)
Trainers or daps