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Welcome to Reception!
In Reception, we have two classes, Butterflies and Bumblebees. We have a lovely shared area to play in just outside of our classroom, so we spend lots of the day going in and out wherever our play leads us. We are also lucky enough to go to our school woodland at least once a week. As you can see, there is lots of time for play in Reception as this is how we learn best. We also have more focused sessions during the day for Phonics, Maths and Literacy. 
Below is a link to the PowerPoint presentation that contains all of the information you need as a new starter. 

In Reception this term we will be:

  •      Learning about making choices and being courageous.
  •      In Maths we will be working on practising our number bonds, and will be using mathematical language to compare amounts. We will also be using our Maths skills from the year to solve Maths problems.
  •      Thinking about growing up, and the changes that will happen.
  •      In phonics many of us are continuing to read books and move through the colours, while others will be going over the sounds and continuing to learn to blend.
  •      Reading lots of stories such as Rubie’s Worries, The Queen’s Hat, and Michael Recycle.
  •      In PE we will be developing our track and field skills ready for Sports Day.
  •      Working on our pencil grip and forming letters correctly to write sentences.
  •      Learning more exciting words such as preferred, insist, hesitantly, and surrounded.
  •      Learning about how we can look after our environment.   
Meet The Team
 Play Based Learning
Children learn best when they are fully engaged and motivated and the best way for that to happen is during self chosen play.  Our classrooms and outdoor areas are well resourced with open ended toys, this means the children can use the same item to be any number of things - whatever their imagination needs at the time.  Reception is the time to learn to play together, negotiate with friends and work together on amazing creations.
Much of our learning is done in the environment as we play and interact with the world around us.  
 Woodland Area
 “There are lots of exciting ways to work on your handwriting. We have been developing our gross motor skills outdoors.”
All children in Reception enjoy developing their arm strength by using our woodwork table. They are learning how to safely use tools along with joining materials together.