Welcome to Year 2
Woodpeckers Class
Our teacher is
Mrs Spencer.
Mrs Tye also teaches us.
Mrs Francis and Miss Brinkley are
our learning assistants.
Kingfishers Class
Our teacher is
Miss Ballmann.
Mrs Tye also teaches us.
Miss Westen is
our learning assistant.
Useful Information
You can contact your child's class teacher via email or via Class Dojo.
Mrs Spencer - n.spencer@oaktree.swindon.sch.uk
Miss Ballmann- nballmann@oaktree.bluekitetrust.org
Mrs Tye - a.tye@oaktree.swindon.sch.uk
Year 2 come into school to start their learning at 8.40 am. Please get your children in on time as we start Maths as soon as we come in.
The children finish at 3.10. Please collect your child promptly to avoid overcrowding on site.
PE takes place on Tuesday (outdoors) and Friday (indoors).
Children will need to come to school in appropriate PE clothing for the weather.
Our P.E. kit is as follows:
Black or dark grey shorts or jogging bottoms
White or red T-shirt
Red sweatshirt for outdoor PE sessions (when needed)
Trainers or daps
Our Enquiry
Our Enquiry this term is "Where do we play?"
We will be looking at our local area, using aerial photographs to identify different features around us. We will be looking at park areas around us, including a trip to Coate Water to look at the features there.
This Term we are also looking at Living things and their habitats. We will be looking closely at minibeasts around us, finding out what they need to survive, working towards designing and building a bug hotel.
Please see our Termly overview below, to see what learning we will be doing in all areas of the curriculum.
Here is an overview of our maths learning for Term 2