
Our curriculum intent for Science is: 

For children to:

  •         Have a sense of excitement and curiosity about the world around them
  •         Have a secure knowledge of the different aspects of science taught and have the skills to investigate
  •         Ask questions and make suggestions about new and existing ideas
  •         Communicate clearly and coherently their discoveries in a variety of different ways
  •         Understand the impact of science on our lives and the world we live in and have an understanding of how they can contribute to the world’s future (negative and positive)
Science at Oaktree
We have been fortunate to invite both Explorer Dome and Sphere Science into school this year. The children took part in some exciting activities, including pocket rockets, solar circuits and finding out about how forces work. 
Here is what the children said about their experiences: 

It was really interesting and fun, I loved learning more about space.

We got to make stuff and look at lots of different things we don’t normally get to see.

We learnt that stars actually have colour.

We got to make things and take them home.

It was a really fun way to learn.

It was the best lesson ever!

It was fun when we got to take part in the rocket mice.

They made us laugh and did tricks, like making the ball stay on the side of the dome.

It was such a great experience!